Finadeck - Futursoft Konefutur integration
Let automation compile the reports for you
With Futursoft's integration of Konefuturi and Finadeck, you can also import the sales and average purchase price data of Konefuturi product groups and products into Finadeck. Finadeck's easy-to-use interface allows any data imported from Konefuturi on a per invoice basis to be earmarked for the corresponding invoices in accounting within minutes.
The construction of key figures for the desired product groups and the sales and margins of the products can be easily done with the built-in formula tool in Finadeck. In Finadeck, you can also combine product groups and products to create your own product families and thus report sales more flexibly. Once the required key figures have been built, they can be agilely extracted to the desired reports, which can be automated and sent to the desired persons.
The integration between Futursoft's Konefutur and Finadeck helps:
- Reporting on sales and profitability of products and product groups, as well as any own product families
- In the automation of reporting