Scalable financial management tools for different industries
From restaurant companies to associations, Finadeck saves you time in budgeting, investment planning, forecasting and reporting, and helps you better understand your business.
The restaurant industry does its job when others enjoy themselves. Finadeck makes mastering the whole more enjoyable. Learn how to build and automate, among other things, restaurant-specific product margin reports.
In the construction industry, walls must carry and business pays off. Learn how to build and automate, for example, site-specific and project-specific profitability and efficiency reports, and prepare budgets and forecasts in concrete amounts for construction sites.
Learn more about financial management solutions developed with real estate investment companies and learn how to better track the profitability and balance sheet structure of your real estate portfolio, how to build key key indicators for monitoring your real estate portfolio, such as occupancy rate and automate the transmission of reports you want.
The association works excellently when its operations are understood by everyone. Finadecki opens reports on every step. Learn how to use Finadeck's budgeting and forecasting and reporting tools to budget projects and prepare reports and automate reporting.
The services make the customer's life easier. Finadeck makes it easier to manage services. Learn how to build key indicators and reports to track, among other things, your account, profitability, and income and expense structure at the calculation levels you want, and automate the transmission of reports you want to send to people you want.